
Lead designer & Project Manager
Hubbell, N.America
Continuous linear lighting

Continuous line LED modules

Liteweave was designed for interior applications such as Education classrooms, Office spaces, and general lighting areas. The innovation lies in the use of flexible LED light sheets. The module length can be ordered as an individual suspended pendant fitting, or specified in longer lengths to create a continuous and seamless band of light. It was designed to comply with all UL and illumination standards for all applications.

Developed as Lead designer & Project Manager @ BJD. Co-design with Hubbell Team, S.Carolina. N.America

Liteweave installed in College classroom

As part of working closely with the Hubbell management team, I was also involved in the process of the Product positioning. My role in parallel to the detail design was to organise, co-ordinate and interview key decision makers involved in specifying, installing or procuring the product. These included sustainability engineers, architects, lighting designers / planners and electrical consultants. This information fed into the marketing process of the products launch.

Topics researched and illustrated were:
• interview results of key decision makers
• identifying key buying factors
• competitive audits
• capturing key benefits of product
• user journey (illustrated from each decision makers perspective)

The performance of Liteweave was specific to meeting downlight illuminance (direct light) requirements for desks and office task areas and circulation spaces. The products performance required indirect light to illuminate ceilings in a space for improved human wellbeing.

Visibly discreet joints were developed to create a seamless, and continuous band of light